• The Baltimore Sun

    How many more kids will be victimized before we make the digital world safer for them?

    As briefly satisfying as it may have been to watch some Big Tech CEOs squirm under a bipartisan grilling from the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday — including an outright apology from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to parents who say social media contributed to their child’s exploitation and, in some cases, death — it’s also…

  • Washington Post

    Maryland bills challenge Big Tech over data privacy, ticket scalping

    A second bill, dubbed the Maryland Kids Code, revives an effort from last session to implement new online protections for children. The proposal, sponsored by Dels. Jared Solomon (D-Montgomery), C.T. Wilson (D-Charles) and Love, was modeled after Britain’s landmark Age-Appropriate Design Code.

  • Maryland Kids Code Coalition Applauds Legislative Leaders’ Support for Youth Online Safety

    The Maryland Kids Code Coalition applauded Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones for prioritizing youth online safety by including the Maryland Kids Code in today’s newly-announced legislative consumer protection package.

  • The Baltimore Sun

    Maryland lawmakers seek to bolster consumer protections in 2024

    Del. Jared Solomon and Sen. Ben Kramer, both Montgomery County Democrats, are jointly sponsoring the Maryland Kids Code, House Bill 901 and Senate Bill 844, which would require for-profit companies that annually gross more than $25 million with online platforms that collect data from 50,000 or more unique users to stop harvesting and selling children’s…

  • The Baltimore Sun

    A TikTok challenge killed our son, now we fight for other children’s safety

    Now, we are continuing Matthew’s legacy of protection and advocacy on a broader scale. We’ve joined forces with other parents as well as educators, mental health professionals, and other concerned community members to support the Maryland Kids Code bill and similar legislative efforts across the country, becoming voices in a growing movement that seeks to…